MIC 360™ In-Process Diameter Measurement Gage
Save Time and Money with Better Accuracy…
Measure Parts without Removing Parts from a Machine…
Fits a Variety of Machines for Nearly Unlimited Part Diameters…
Measure ANY Diameter with ONE Gage, the MIC 360™ In-Process Diameter Measurement Gage
The ALL NEW MIC 360™ Diameter Measurement Gage is an in-process gaging system that measures any large diameter from 5” to virtually any diameter you can manufacture! It doesn’t require a standard… one person can easily operate…measurements are captured electronically…it repeats with extremely high accuracy…and this is all done with just ONE tool!

The MIC 360 Gage measures any diameter from as little as a few inches to virtually any diameter you can machine!
The versatility of the MIC 360 allows mounting on a vertical or horizontal lathe, ID and OD grinders, or any other machine or tooling fixture that rotates a part.
It’s all done IN-PROCESS at a push of a button, you never have to stop the spindle to measure and all measurements are recorded electronically!
- Promote Safe Working Environment – No Operator Risk
- Measure Without Stopping the Spindle
- Cut Down Measurement Cycle Times
- Inspect Parts Multiple Times Quickly in the Machine
- Requires Only One Operator and One Gage
- Eliminate Need for Gage Assembly or Setting Masters
- Reduce Gage Management Time and Effort
- Auto-capture and Store Readings Electronically
- Update Tool Settings Quickly
- Minimize Idle Time
- Measure Large Diameters 5”& Up, ID & OD
- Repeats within ±.0001” (±2.540000µ)
- Measure Multiple Diameters on One Part
- Inspect Grooves
- Wireless Data Collection
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